40,000 Jobs to Cut Down After ACCENTURE begins to sell Automation Software

By Sk Kapoor

Accenture Plc , the international consulting firm , currently employing about 469,000 people ,will start selling Automation Software which is sought to cut down about  40,000 jobs.


Accenture took five years to create the SynOps platform . This software is in trial with 100 of Accenture clients in different areas such as finance and market offering etc.


Debbie Polishbook , the group chief executive officer of ACCENTURE OPERATIONS , said:

“all its workers affected  have been retrained by the company for other jobs


Accenture’s Automation Software:

  • The new Automation Software of the Accenture is SynOps suggests different ways to streamline and automate the processes in areas such as Finance and Accounting , Marketing and Procurement.


  • This system allows its clients to measure how efficient their processes are against other companies .


For instance , if SynOps  used in procurement  process, it can take an order , issue an invoice , check that invoice against a contract , correct  any errors and at the last will mail it to the customers.


Once the Accenture Operations , the companies outsourcing unit , used man workforce in mostly low- wage countries like India , to handle routine data entry and customer oriented services for its clients. But now this outsourcing unit is hoping that this software will eliminate the need for humans altogether .


Polishbook added ,”This is not trying to get rid of the human , but to make them as productive as possible and get them to focus on the work that a human really needs to do “


How the SynOps helpful to its clients ??


  • “SynOps platform sits on the top of a company’s existing databases and record –keeping systems, “ by Nirav Sampat , Accenture Operation’s group technology officer.


  • Clients can also customise the rules for whether a system will process something automatically based on how much confidence the AI has in its assumptions.



Polihbook commented, “  if it’s confidence fell below that threshold, then the claim would be routed to a human claims handler”.

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