How To Earn $1000 Every week?

Are you one of the day dreamers who want to earn thousands of dollars every day? But do you know how to turn this dream figure into reality? If not then, let’s explore the top 10 ways to earn $1000 every week:

  1. Affiliate Marketing

Michelle Schroeder-Gardner, entrepreneur and founder of course “Making Sense Of Affiliate Marketing”, earns over $100,000 per month. Companies pay up to $100 per conversion. Doesn’t that excite you for having a career in affiliate marketing?

  1. Sponsored Posts

A sponsored post on blogs with high traffic earns $20,000 per post or more. In a sponsored post, company pays you a lot to promote their product or service on their website.

  1. Text Links

Text Links are highlighted words you click on a blog that takes you automatically to the other website. When you add links of other websites in your blog, you are paid as high as $500 per link you add.

  1. Freelancing

Many of the writers earn from $250 to $1000 per article through freelancing. One of the blogger, Holly Johnson earns over $200,000 per year by writing articles for other websites.

  1. Google AdSense

Adding Google AdSense to your website will make you earns thousands of dollars in just few weeks.

  1. Crowd funded Real Estate Investing

Jeff Rose, certified financial planner advices to use Fundrise for all your investing solutions. In Fundrise, money added to your account is invested by professional investors in best of avenues. Start as little with $500 and you will earn $1000 every week in short span of time.

  1. Selling Leads

If one is able handle multiple sites and is able to share leads to other sources, it is a massive source to earn thousands of dollars.

  1. Coaching Business

An executive coach roughly earns $325 per hour. Create courses on Edx, Coursera, Udemy etc and let your expertise in your field make you earn money.

  1. YouTube Ads

YouTube is indeed a growing platform for talented people to earn. After 1K followers and 4000 watch hours, every like, and every comment and share make you earn. If you start running ads on your YouTube channel you can easily earn $5000-$6000 per week.

  1. Buying And Selling Websites

Earn some passive income through buying site from one company, modify it and sell it to other company.

READ: How To Grow Rich And Be Wealthy.


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